Letní / zimní školy ****************************************************************************************** * ZAHRANIČNÍ LETNÍ ŠKOLY ****************************************************************************************** Níže najdete některé pozvánky na letní školy v zahraničí. Tento seznam není úplný. Zahrani v některých případech nabízejí studentům partnerských univerzit [ URL "https://fhs.cuni.cz odpuštění nebo snížení poplatku za letní školu. O finanční podporu letních škol lze žádat internacionalizace na UK [ URL "https://fhs.cuni.cz/FHS-653.html#4"] . Další nabídky letních škol najdete na stránkách RUK [ URL "https://cuni.cz/UK-7749.html"] schools in Europe [ URL "https://www.summerschoolsineurope.eu/"] . Největší množství pozvánek na letní školy se zpravidla začíná objevovat během února - květ Vyžaduje-li v případě externích nabídek či individuálně zajišťovaných pobytů daná instituc nominaci/doporučení ze strany zahraničního oddělení FHS UK, je třeba zahraniční oddělení p dostatečným předstihem (doporučujeme minimálně 20 pracovních dní) a žádost řádně doložit - informace k postupu najdete zde [ URL "https://international.fhs.cuni.cz/INT-13.html#7"] . ****************************************************************************************** * University of Groningen Summer Schools 2024 ****************************************************************************************** The University of Groningen offers a broad variety of research-driven and interdisciplinar More information on the course offer and further details on their organization can be foun website [ URL "https://www.rug.nl/education/summer-winter-schools/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Edinburgh Summer School 2024 ****************************************************************************************** Applications are now open for the 2024 International Summer School [ URL "https://www.ed.a learning/our-programmes/summer-school-home"] programmes. The University of Edinburgh is of four week credit bearing courses for undergraduate students. Please see the official websi information and an overview of interesting course offerings in the College of Arts Humanit Sciences. Students of partner institutions are eligible for a 10% discount. ****************************************************************************************** * Radboud Summer School 2024 ****************************************************************************************** The Radboud Summer School offers a broad range of courses. You can find an overview of the courses on the official website [ URL "https://www.ru.nl/en/education/more-education-and-t courses/courses-by-discipline"] . Radboud Universitu offers its partner universities' students a 15% discount on the course deadlines depend on the chosen course. ****************************************************************************************** * CEU Summer University ****************************************************************************************** CEU's Summer University Program [ URL "https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mLQ9J8BtW7- XC7x6byNWNJYk2eTbWYEcunB0SxibwHAbHtIJwIpm5eyuDm2pmbcLbZN2UiSFEkswiz9JFeb1jAxiaWug7Qvgpb_rd kJuYLTvixn5VSbPYVZwKuQUDLXOCxYRbvjSo=&c=IcBZggNQ86HYoltIVBSslxZvh2sKoVdjQjNQ3fV8X4 g1U5x0qTVZTtoWnFlaQ06SP-2Ht564TuGXkX2VCA=="] offers short, intensive, high-level, research oriented interdisciplinary courses taught by teams of internationally renowned scholars an from around the world. This year's program will take place from June 24 to July 27 in Buda The 2024 application deadlines have been extended into early March for most courses. ****************************************************************************************** * Ordered Liberty School in Central Europe ****************************************************************************************** The Ordered Liberty School in Central Europe will be held for the fourth time on the Ludov 8th to 20th July 2024. The two-week English-language summer school will focus this year on expression, new media and online platforms (detailed programme available here [ URL "https nke.hu/program"] ). Applications are open until 30 April 2024, for more information on the application require Summer University visit the official website. [ URL "https://olss.uni-nke.hu/"] ****************************************************************************************** * Summer School for Sustainability 2024 ****************************************************************************************** The Summer School for Sustainability [ URL "https://www.gu.se/en/study-in-gothenburg/excha summer-school-for-sustainability"] runs from 27 June to 2 August, 2024, in Gothenburg. Choose one of five courses in the areas of education, politics, biology or humanities. The are: • Managing Migration • Digitalisation in a Changing World • Teaching Sustainable Development froma Global Perspective • Imagining justice for a sustainable world:perspectives from fiction, philosophy andrelig • Biodiversity in Western Sweden To be eligible to apply, you need to beenrolled in and have successfully completedat least your home university. There is no tuition fee for students nominated from partner universities. In case of interest, send your motivation letter and a recommendation letter from a FHS le international(zavinac)fhs.cuni.cz [ MAIL "international(zavinac)fhs.cuni.cz"] by February Students can be nominated to the summer by FHS based on the results of a selection procedu Faculty of Humanities. ****************************************************************************************** * Stipendia na jazykové a odborné kurzy (letní a zimní školy) ****************************************************************************************** Stipendium zahrnuje poplatek za kurz pro studenta při účasti na jazykovém či odborném kurz zimní škole) na veřejné vysoké škole v Bavorsku. Dále lze poskytnout příspěvek na ubytován 400 €, pokud ubytování není zahrnuto v poplatku za kurz. Při žádosti o stipendium na kurz předpokládá znalost jazyka alespoň na úrovni B1. O stipendium se mohou ucházet studenti a doktorandi veřejných vysokých škol z České republ státním občanstvím. Více info naleznete zde [ URL "https://www.btha.cz/cs/stipendia/jazykove-kurzy-a-letni-sko ****************************************************************************************** * Leuphana International Summer University 2024 ****************************************************************************************** The International Summer University at Leuphana [ URL "https://www.leuphana.de/en/institut international-center/coming-to-leuphana/summer-schools-and-short-term-programs/internation school.html"] offers a language and culture program, which helps you learn German in the m possible. Each course comprises a total of 100 hours of instruction, corresponding to apro instruction per week. Courses are offered on beginner levels (A1 and A2). The course runs from August 5 to August 30, 2024. The course fee is 710€. The application 2024. ****************************************************************************************** * Passau Summer School for Applied Ethics ****************************************************************************************** The Passau Summer School of Applied Ethics (PASSAE [ URL "https://passae.uni-passau.de/"] interdisciplinary program for students focussing on current issues in Applied Ethics. It w the University of Passau, Germany rom 2nd to 6th September 2024. The application deadline is March 31, 2024. ****************************************************************************************** * European Identity: Past, Present and Future ****************************************************************************************** This Summer School organized in-person by the University of Strasbourg from June 17 to Jun together academic courses scheduled in the morning and cultural activities in the afternoo on Europe and a hint of "French touch". Please find the Summer School previsionnal program "INT-33-version1-european_identitiy_summer_school_schedule_university_of_strasbourg.pdf"] The program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students, with all courses taught i The fees are €1.200 per participant and include accommodation. The applications [ URL "https://unistra.moveonfr.com/form/657ff6b48d7e45023801e733/eng"] w March 15th, 2024. ****************************************************************************************** * Turku ?bo Summer School ****************************************************************************************** Turku ?bo Summer School offers 17 topical, wide-ranging and fully accredited courses from five higher education institutions in the Turku region. Most of the courses are taught on- presence in Turku on 5-16 August. In addition, there are four self-paced online courses th part in anywhere. You can find more information on the website [ URL "https://turkuabosummerschool.utu.fi/? utm_source=emaileri&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Affordable%20and%20High-quality %20Summer%20Studies%20in%20in%20Turku%20in%20August%202024&utm_term=Visit%20our %20website&utm_content=u-4936139-77304124-2480151-0"] . Application is open from 9 January 2024. ****************************************************************************************** * T-IES Summer School ****************************************************************************************** The University of Tübingen offers two summer programs: Summer School June (May 31 - June 28, 2024) [ URL "https://uni-tuebingen.de/international/ dem-ausland/virtuelle-und-kurzzeit-programme/international-european-studies/summer-school- • (A) "The Right to Disagree - Human Rights, Minority Rights and Freedom of Expression in • (B) "What's the Buzz? Society, Social Media, and Artificial Intelligence in Europe Today Summer School August (August 1 - 30, 2024) [ URL "https://uni-tuebingen.de/international/s dem-ausland/virtuelle-und-kurzzeit-programme/international-european-studies/summer-school- • (A) "The EU in Permanent Crises? Perspectives, Challenges, Solutions" • (B) "Representing the European Past: Memory and Place-Making in Cross-Cultural Communiti ****************************************************************************************** * Climate Change Summer School 2024 ****************************************************************************************** Since its inception in 2021, the CCSS has been a platform for students to enrich their und climate change through a distinctive and multidisciplinary approach. The 4th edition of CCSS is scheduled for July 15-26, 2024 and will take place in Madrid. T program, equivalent to 3 ECTS credits, presents a high-quality curriculum entirely taught Detailed information, including the syllabus and brochure, can be found on the official we "https://climate.spacie.education/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Online Winter Programmes - University of Amsterdam ****************************************************************************************** Applications are still open for the online winter programmes at the University of Amsterda summerschool.uva.nl/winter-programmes/winter-programmes.html?f=modesOfStudy%3Aonline"] tak January 2024. Applications are now open for the following programmes which will run from 15-26 of Januar • Bootcamp: Ethnography and Design – UvA Summer School • Migration and Integration: Refugees, Rights & Realities • Visions of the Occult: Introduction to (Western) Esotericism • Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges for the New Workplace Complete at your own pace between 15 January – 31 March 2024 • Key Topics in Urban Studies: Study at your own pace Application Deadline: December 10, 2023 ****************************************************************************************** * Graz International Summer School Seggau 2024 ****************************************************************************************** The Graz International Summer School Seggau (GUSEGG) [ URL "https://international.uni-graz students-and-staff/incoming-students/gusegg"] is a 2-weeks international academic program motivated, internationally oriented students from all fields of study and all levels who w their understanding of current global trends and challenges. Participants will approach th topic Disruptive Imagination and Resistance in Europe and the Americas: State – Society – a range of different perspectives and disciplines in the course of lectures, seminar modul discussions. Application Deadline: January 31, 2024 ****************************************************************************************** * Off the Beaten Track ****************************************************************************************** The Off the Beaten Track Summer School [ URL "https://www.anthropologyfieldschool.org/inde both budding social scientists and more advanced scholars a rare opportunity to do ethnogr on an islet of Gozo with 7,000 years of history. Participants of the Off the Beaten Track the unique opportunity to acquire 'in the field' experience. The program facilitates and m progress of each project, and guides interested participants through the process of publis reviewed research results. With its first edition in 2006, the school is now the longest s anthropology field school in the world. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The scholarship application deadline is Janu ****************************************************************************************** * Online Winter Course - University of Amsterdam ****************************************************************************************** Applications are now open for the following programmes which will run from 15-26 of Januar • Bootcamp: Ethnography and Design – UvA Summer School – University of Amsterdam [ URL "ht summerschool.uva.nl/shared/programmas/en/winter-courses/bootcamp-ethnography-and-design/ ethnography-and-design.html?origin=VW%2FXiBtNQwSjxR%2BVJO%2B5dw"] • Migration and Integration: Refugees, Rights & Realities – UvA Summer School – University [ URL "https://summerschool.uva.nl/shared/programmas/en/winter-courses/migration-and-int refugees-rights-and-realities/migration-and-integration-refugees-rights-and-realities.ht %2FXiBtNQwSjxR%2BVJO%2B5dw"] • Visions of the Occult: Introduction to (Western) Esotericism – UvA Summer School – Unive Amsterdam [ URL "https://summerschool.uva.nl/shared/programmas/en/winter-courses/introdu western-esotericism/introduction-to-western-esotericism.html?origin=VW%2FXiBtNQwSjxR%2BV • Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges for the New Workplace [ URL "https summerschool.uva.nl/shared/programmas/en/winter-courses/artificial-intelligence-opportun challenges-for-the-new-workplace/artificial-intelligence-opportunities-and-challenges.ht %2FXiBtNQwSjxR%2BVJO%2B5dw"] • Key Topics in Urban Studies: Study at your own pace [ URL "https://summerschool.uva.nl/s programmas/en/winter-courses/key-topics-in-urban-studies/key-topics-in-urban-studies.htm %2FXiBtNQwSjxR%2BVJO%2B5dw"] Students are able to apply now via the link on each programme website. The deadline for ap 10th of December 2023. ****************************************************************************************** * Winter School Decolonizing Cultural Heritage - DecolHeri ****************************************************************************************** Decolonizing Cultural Heritage Winter school [ URL "https://international.unitn.it/incomin (Monday 5 to Friday 16 February 2024) addresses a crucial issue of global importance, name of overcoming the dominant Western perspective still present in the approach to internatio heritage. Students coming from partner universities must first be pre-selected and nominated by the universities. If you wish to apply, please, send the required documents (CV, Transcript of motivation letter) to international(zavinac)fhs.cuni.cz [ MAIL "international(zavinac)fhs. assessment by October 11, 2023. ****************************************************************************************** * Online Winter School: Global Challenges for Our Sustainable Future ****************************************************************************************** ICEU Summer Universityn this online Winter University [ URL "https://www.kuleuven.be/engli schools/Global-Challenges-for-Our-Sustainable-Future"] , organized by KU Leuven, you will in multinational and multidisciplinary student teams to identify, elaborate on and formula strategy to deal with global challenges for a sustainable future. Experts from the KU Leuv and illustrate the broad theme of sustainability from the Humanities point of view, using Each student team will delve into a self-chosen global challenge and formulate a possible  approach to a sustainable future. The Winter University will take place from Monday 15 January until Friday 26 January 2024. University is aimed at graduate (Master's) students in Human Sciences (e.g. Arts, Economic Social Sciences, and Theology and Religious Sciences) or from other disciplines, and with sustainability.  Undergraduate (Bachelor's) students in their final year are also welcome