Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity Network

Informace o síti: Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity

Číslo sítě: HR-1107-08-2324

Garant sítě a kontaktní osoba na FHS UK: Jakub MAREK, Ph.D.

Koordinátor sítě: University of Zagreb

Partnerské univerzity:

Bosna a Hercegovina: University of Sarajevo, University of Tuzla, University of Zenica

Bulharsko: St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University

Chorvatsko: University of Zagreb (koordinátor), University of Split, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Kosovo: University of Prishtina Hasan Prishtina

Makedonie: University Sts.Cyril and Methodius Skopje, State University of Tetovo

Polsko: University of Warsaw, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow

Rakousko: University of Graz

Slovinsko: University of Ljubljana

Srbsko: University of Novi Sad, University of Nis

Tematické zaměření: central research objectives in the following areas:

- methodological foundation of interdisciplinary research

- studies in the field of history of philosophy, especially ancient and medieval philosophy and German idealism, in comparison with history of science, art and religion

- ethics and bioethics in connection to biomedical and biotechnical sciences, but also other scientific and non-scientific, cultural and religious perspectives

- philosophy of education in relation to pedagogy and psychology (especially in the new field of philosophy for childern)

- practical philosophy (social and political philosphy) in close connection to sociology and political science

- investigations into logic and philosophy of language in connection with linguistics and mathematics

- the relationship of cognitive science and philosophy

- philosophy of art in context of cultural studies and in comparison to sociology and anthropology of art

Poslední změna: 6. červen 2023 11:58