Vyhlašujeme nabídku měsíčních stipendijních pobytů pro doktorandy v roce 2024 v rámci meziuniverzitní spolupráce. Jedná se o tyto univerzity:
Universität zu Köln
Universität Hamburg
Universität Heidelberg
Universität Bonn
Uzávěrka podávaní přihlášek byla stanovena na 5. 12. 2023. Bližší informace naleznete zde.
As in previous years, our partner universities offer several month-long scholarships stays for PhD students in 2024 within the framework of interuniversity cooperation. These universities are:
Universität zu Köln
3 one-month-long scholarships for PhD students
1200 EUR/month
Universität Hamburg
6 one-month scholarships for PhD students
1200 EUR/month
Universität Heidelberg
1 one-month scholarship for PhD students
1200 EUR/month
Universität Bonn
1 one-month scholarship for PhD students
1200 EUR/month
Required attachments:
a) Academic Visitor Application
The submitted application must be signed by you and your supervisor (first and second signature). The signature of the Vice-Dean for International Relations (third signature) will be obtained by the International Office in case of the nominated students.
b) Structured curriculum vitae
c) Preliminary promise of admission by a teacher from a partner university
d) Detailed description of the study plan in German or English
e) Average of study results from previous studies
We kindly ask PhD students to upload all documents to the online application by 5th December 2023.